VFW Post 3232 is a tax exempt organization as defined by IRS Code 501(c) (19) and as such all contributions are tax deductible. All donated funds will be used in support of VFW Post 3232 and the veterans and community we serve. Donations made locally stay locally for the enrichment of our community.
VFW Post 3232 strives to make the best use of every dollar ensuring that 100% of your donation goes to work for veterans and our community. We take this responsibility very seriously and strive towards maximum efficiency in managing the gifts entrusted to us in their behalf.
VFW Post 3232 is also actively soliciting funds to buy or build its own home in Florence. We believe that it is important to have a location recognized as the “VFW Post” where people can visit and meet us.

By check:
Send checks to VFW Post 3232, P.O. Box 825, Florence, Oregon 97439. Checks should be made out to “VFW Post 3232”. In the Memo line show “donation”.
In Person:
Contact us and we will arrange to meet with you, or drop off donations with a VFW representative on Monday mornings at 11 am at the regular “Band of Brothers” Coffee meeting at the Elks Lodge, 1686 12th street.